Ribbon Cutting

August 2022

Meet & Greet

June 2022

Elevating Our Youth Gala December 2021

Mothers Day Basket Sale!!

We teamed up with The New York Butcher Shoppe (Woodruff location) & sold baskets full of everything a mother could want while bringing awareness to the community of our mission.

BMW Birdies For Charity!

We had the awesome opportunity to be a part of Birdies For Charity. We set up a booth & had conversations with a ton of people that are fully on board with everything we are doing for the families in our community.

First Meet & Greet!

We thought inviting the community out for a night to meet us, ask questions, & find out more about our mission would be awesome for awareness. And it was!

Tour of Centner Academy!

A few of us flew to Miami to tour an amazing school to get some ideas for LCA. We were given a 4 hour tour & learned a ton! Our brains were racing for days afterwards.

Definitely worth the trip!

The start of our FIRST garden at Lifestyle Creators Academy!

We are so excited about this!! We have planted our first batch of veggies with our

Dear Friend, Elizabeth Weaver- The Master Gardener!

First phase: We planted garlic, onions, potatoes, beets, radishes, carrots, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, & a fig tree!

Second phase: Elizabeth will be returning to LCA the last week in March to assess and see what else we can plant!

The students will run and manage a Farmers Market right out of LCA. Parents & other members of the community will be able to place orders. Our students will manage the orders and finances learning the real basics of running a business.

On March’s visit to the Lifestyle Creators Academy. I had the opportunity to witness young humans connect to the essence of education through the exploration of Project-Based Learning. LCA’s director and lead teacher developed a foundation of learning that promotes the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. They provide opportunities for working in groups, finding, and evaluating research materials, and life-long learning.

Seeing the Lifestyle Creators showcase their quarterly learning in the Arts (singing and ASL- American Sign Language), Geography, History, Math, and more, gives the parents and community a glimpse of something special to come. Education is not one size fits, and if you have not found your size yet, stop by and check in with the Lifestyle Creators Academy to learn more!!!

-Robert Britton

Ready to take education back into your family’s hands and empower your child for life?

Take the next step to unlocking your child's full potential with the Lifestyle Creators Info Kit!

4351 E. North Street

Greenville, SC 29615

Phone: 864-373-9098

Email: Wesley@LCAGreenville.com

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